Publications in books
Labor market search with two sided heterogeneity: Hierarchical versus circular models, (with Coen N. Teulings and A. van Vuuren), 2005, Conference volume on Structural Labour Market Models in honor of Dale Mortensen, H. Bunzel, B.J. Christensen, G.R. Neumann and J.M. Robin, Chapter 5, 115-128, North Holland.
Displaced workers in the United States and the Netherlands, (with J.H. Abbring, G.J. Van den Berg, G. Van Lomwel, J.C. Van Ours and C. Ruhm), Chapter 2 in P. Kuhn, (editor), Losing Work, Moving on: Worker Displacement in International Perspective, 2002, W. E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, Kalamazoo, MI.
Separations at the firm level, (with G.J. Van den Berg, J.C. Van Ours and G. Ridder) in: J. Haltiwanger, J. Lane, K. Troske and J. Theeuwes ed. The Creation and Analysis of Matched Employer-Employee Data, 1999, North Holland.
Do more high-skilled workers occupy simple jobs during bad times?, in Ed. A. De Grip and L. Borghans ed., The overeducated worker? The economics of skill utilization, 1997, Edward Elgar.