Recent Working Papers
Competitive Search with Private Information: Can Price Signal Quality? (2024) with Jim Albrecht, Xiaoming Cai and Susan Vroman
On the Existence of Competitive Equilibrium with Complements and Indivisibilities: A Search Perspective (2023) with Jim Albrecht, Xiaoming Cai and Susan Vroman
Search, Screening and Sorting (2023) with Xiaoming Cai and Ronald Wolthoff (new version), conditionally accepted, AEJ: Macroeconomics
Spatial Search (2023) with Xiaoming Cai and Ronald Wolthoff, R and R Journal of Economic Theory
Measuring Cardinal Preferences (2023) with Monique De Haan, Hessel Oosterbeek, Sandor Sovago and Bas van der Klaauw
Maximum matching in the labor market under incomplete information (2016) with Bjorn Brugemann and Christian Holzner) first version 2011.
Overbooking in markets with rationing (2012) with Xinying Fu and Makoto Watanabe
Selected Recent and Forthcoming Publications
On the Foundations of Competitive Search Equilibrium with and without Market Makers (2023) with Jim Albrecht, Xiaoming Cai and Susan Vroman Journal of Economic Theory 208
The performance of school assignment mechanisms in practice (2023) with Monique de Haan, Hessel Oosterbeek and Bas van der Klaauw Journal of Political Economy 131-2, 388-455.
Meetings and Mechanisms (2023) with Xiaoming Cai and Ronald Wolthoff International Economic Review 64-1, 155-185 Web Appendix
Marketmaking Middlemen (2023) with Bo Hu and Makoto Watanabe RAND Journal of Economics
Multiple Applications, Market Power and Competing Mechanisms (2020), Journal of Economic Theory 190. (With Jim Albrecht, Xiaoming Cai and Susan Vroman).
The estimation of present bias and time preferences using land-lease contracts (2020) with Aico van Vuuren, Econometrics Journal 23-3. 363-385.
Intra firm bargaining and Shapley values (2018) with Bjoern Brugemann and Guido Menzio, Review of Economic Studies,
Estimating equilibrium effects of job search assistance(2017) with Paul Muller, Bas van der Klaauw, Michael Rosholm and Michael Svarer, Journal of Labor Economics 36-4, 1073-1125.
Simultaneous search and efficiency of entry and search intensity (2017) with Christian Holzner, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 9-3, 245-82.
Search Frictions, Competing Mechanisms and Optimal Market Segmentation (2017) with Xiaoming Cai and Ronald Wolthoff, Journal of Economic Theory 169, 453-73. Web Appendix
Directed search in the housing market (2016) with Jim Albrecht and Susan Vroman Review of Economic Dynamics, 19,218–231.
Employment protection, technology choice, and worker allocation (2016) with with Eric J. Bartelsman and Joris de Wind, International Economic Review, 57-3, 787-826. See also Vox article that is based on this research.
Estimation of Search Cost: Do non employed workers search hard enough? (2016) with Jose Luis Moraga-Gonzalez and Ronald Wolthoff. European Economic Review, 84, 123-139.
Sorting and the output loss due to search frictions (2015) with Coen Teulings, Journal of the European Economic Association, 13-6,1136–1166.
Efficient entry in competing auctions (2014) with Jim Albrecht and Susan Vroman, American Economic Review, 104,3288-96.
A Note on Peters and Severinov,"Competition Among Sellers Who Offer Auctions Instead of Prices" with Jim Albrecht and Susan Vroman, 2012 Journal of Economic Theory, 147, 389-392.
Selection in a field experiment with voluntary participation with Bas van der Klaauw, 2012, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 27, 63-84.
On-the-job search, mismatch and efficiency with Coen N. Teulings and Aico van Vuuren, 2010, Review of Economic Studies, 77-1, 245-272.
All Publications
On the Foundations of Competitive Search Equilibrium with and without Market Makers (2023) with Jim Albrecht, Xiaoming Cai and Susan Vroman Journal of Economic Theory, 208.
The performance of school assignment mechanisms in practice (2023) with Monique de Haan, Hessel Oosterbeek and Bas van der Klaauw Journal of Political Economy 131-2, 388-455.
Meetings and Mechanisms (2023) with Xiaoming Cai and Ronald Wolthoff, International Economic Review 64-1, 155-185. Web Appendix
Marketmaking Middlemen (2023) with Bo Hu and Makoto Watanabe RAND Journal of Economics, 54-1, 83-103.
Real Estate Agent Commission Structure and Sales Performance (2023) with Arjen Siegmann and Aico van Vuuren (Forthcoming, Journal of Empirical Finance)
Multiple Applications, Market Power and Competing Mechanisms (2020), Journal of Economic Theory 190. (With Jim Albrecht, Xiaoming Cai and Susan Vroman).
The estimation of present bias and time preferences using land-lease contracts (2020) Econometrics Journal 23-3. 363-385. with Aico van Vuuren.
The effect of land lease on house prices (2019), Journal of Housing Economics, with Aico van Vuuren
Intra firm bargaining and Shapley values (2018) with Bjoern Brugemann and Guido Menzio, Review of Economic Studies,
Search intensity, wage dispersion and the minimum wage (2018) with Jose Luis Moraga-Gonzalez, Labour Economics, 50-80-86.
Estimating equilibrium effects of job search assistance(2017) with Paul Muller, Bas van der Klaauw, Michael Rosholm and Michael Svarer, Journal of Labor Economics 36-4, 1073-1125.
Simultaneous search and efficiency of entry and search intensity (2017) with Christian Holzner, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 9-3, 245-82.
Search Frictions, Competing Mechanisms and Optimal Market Segmentation (2017) with Xiaoming Cai and Ronald Wolthoff, Journal of Economic Theory 169, 453-73. Web Appendix
Directed search in the housing market (2016) with Jim Albrecht and Susan Vroman Review of Economic Dynamics, 19,218–231.
Employment protection, technology choice, and worker allocation (2016) with with Eric J. Bartelsman and Joris de Wind, International Economic Review, 57-3, 787-826. See also Vox article that is based on this research.
Estimation of Search Cost: Do non employed workers search hard enough? (2016) with Jose Luis Moraga-Gonzalez and Ronald Wolthoff. European Economic Review, 84, 123-139.
Sorting and the output loss due to search frictions (2015) with Coen Teulings, Journal of the European Economic Association, 13-6,1136–1166
Efficient entry in competing auctions (2014) with Jim Albrecht and Susan Vroman, American Economic Review, 104,3288-96.
Dutch Economists top 40 (2014) with Jaap H. Abbring, Bart J. Bronnenberg and Jan C. Van Ours (2014), De Economist.
Collective versus decentralized wage bargaining and the efficient allocation of resources (2014) with Xiaoming Cai, Coen N. Teulings and Makoto Watanabe Labour Economics, 26, 34-42.
A Note on Peters and Severinov,"Competition Among Sellers Who Offer Auctions Instead of Prices" with Jim Albrecht and Susan Vroman, 2012 Journal of Economic Theory, 147, 389-392.
Selection in a field experiment with voluntary participation with Bas van der Klaauw, 2012, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 27, 63-84.
On-the-job search, mismatch and efficiency with Coen N. Teulings and Aico van Vuuren, 2010, Review of Economic Studies, 77-1, 245-272.
Car ownership and the labor market for ethnic minorities (with Yves Zenou), 2010, Journal of Urban Economics, 67-3, 392-403.
Marriage and the City: Search Frictions and Sorting of Singles (with M. Svarer and C.N. Teulings), 2009, Journal of Urban Economics, 67-2, 206-18.
Sin City? Why is the divorce rate higher in urban areas? (with M. Svarer and C.N. Teulings), 2009, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 111-3,439-456.
Search and the City (with C.N. Teulings), 2009, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 39-3, 251-265.
Terrorism and attitudes towards minorities: the effect of the Theo van Gogh murder on house prices in Amsterdam (with A. Siegmann and A. van Vuuren), 2009, Journal of Urban Economics, 65-2, 113-126.
Simultaneous search with heterogeneous firms and ex post competition (with R. Wolthoff), 2009, Labour Economics, 16-3, 311-319.
Equilibrium directed search with multiple applications (with J. Albrecht and S. Vroman), 2006, Review of Economic Studies, 73, 869-91.
How large are search frictions (with C.N. Teulings), Journal of the European Economic Association, 2006, 4-6, 1193-1225.
The right man for the job (with C.N. Teulings), Review of Economic Studies, 2004, 71, 553-580.
Matching with Multiple Applications Revisited (with J.Albrecht, S. Tan and S. Vroman), Economics Letters, 2004, May,
An empirical index for labour market density (with C.N. Teulings), Review of Economics and Statistics, 2003, 85- 4, 901-8.
Matching with multiple applications (with J.W. Albrecht and S.B. Vroman), Economics Letters, 2003,78, 67-70.
Worker turnover at the firm level and crowding out of lower educated workers (with G.J. Van den Berg, J.C. Van Ours and G. Ridder), European Economic Review, 2002, 46-3, 523-538.
Search externalities in a model with heterogeneous jobs and workers, Economica, 2002, 273:1, 21-40.
Non-Sequential search, screening externalities and the public good role of recruitment offices, Economic Modelling, 2002, 19-2, 179-196.
The Timing of Labor Reallocation and the Business Cycle: Evidence for the Netherlands, (with L. Broersma), Labour, 2002, 15 (4), 63-684.
Do firms time their PACE investments optimally? (with M. Bouman and M. Hofkes), De Economist, 2000, Vol 148 I, 71-86. This article was awarded with the Hennipman prize for the best "De Economist" article in 2000 and 2001.
Job Creation and Job Destruction in the Netherlands (with L. Broersma) De Economist, 1997, 145:1, 47-64.
Job Creation and Job Destruction by Small Firms: An Empirical Investigation for the Dutch Manufacturing Sector (with L. Broersma), Small Business Economics, 1997, 8, 1-14.
In progress
Schooling and Sorting (with Fabien Postel-Vinay and Ronald Wolthoff)
Endogenous search frictions (with Guido Menzio)
Structural Estimation of a housing market model (with Jim Albrecht, Susan Vroman and Aico van Vuuren)